Sunday, October 30, 2011

A passion for fabric

Just over a year ago while my husband was working late and I was knee deep in my two toddlers mess, I decided to treat myself and finally buy myself a sewing machine.

Then while i was waiting for my new machine to arrive I went and brought this amazing kit set called Birds of a feather from my local quilt shop and voila, an obsession with fabrics and all the different effects they can have when  arranged into a quilt was born.

After a few pairs of jammies for my boys and a hoodie or two the next project was created from a jelly roll I found on trade me that I thought would suit the colors in our room. I browsed around online for some ideas on on how to put it together and this is what I came up with. I think its rather effective and soo simple to put together. This was also one of my first attempts at quilting myself, and so the passion for quilting begun. Stick around to see more of my insane obsession with fabrics and quilts.