Thursday, November 10, 2011

It didnt quiet take a year!!

In December last year I just fell in love with this amazing range of fabric from my local quilt store. 
Its just so crazy and fun. And I just love the contrast of the green and black.

Not knowing if I could justify yet another fabric purchase, cos though I love the fabric but the lime green doesn't exactly match anything in my house.  My wonderful mother brought me a bunch of the fat quarters for Christmas last year, and I teamed then with this solid lime green and away we went, I totally fell in love with the fabric and how it was coming together that I got the 25 10" blocks done in record time. 

Once I got to the boarders however I got a bit stumped, and so in the draw it went for me to mull over and start another project or two. A month or so latter I pulled it out and took into the local quilt shop and on when the first two boarders. They didn't have anything though that would suit the last big boarder, and so back it went into the drawer while I kept an eye out in quilt shops across the north island and online (though the problem I have buying boarder fabric online is that you cant actually see how the colours and patterns work with the quilt)

Until last month I walked into the local again looking for boarder fabric for yet another completely different quilt, to find a new green and black fabric range available, and I think it works quiet nicely if I do say so myself!!

I don't know about other quilters out there but I am cronic with binding.  Quilted quilts with the top side of the binding machine sewing on sit folded over the back of my couch for weeks on end with the cotton and  needle  laid out nicely trying to invite me to actually hand sew the back on before I even start, and then its only 10min here and there, so that with my quilt snuggling family my quilts are usually well used before they are even 100% finished. But I am still on the 2011 side of Christmas so I have completed this in under a year!!

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